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GRP Grating Supply to European Factory


GRP Grating Supply to a European Factory:

Elemy have recently completed a project which saw us supply almost 1000m² of GRP open mesh grating to a packaging plant in France.

The customer’s requirement was for “a 50mm deep chemical resistant grating with a grit surface”. Elemy therefore supplied a large quantity of 50mm deep 50 x 50 pitch open mesh grating in resin type isophthalic polyester, with an anti-slip gritted top in dark grey, RAL 7043.

GRP is a popular choice in industrial environments due to its resistance to corrosion. Corrosion resistance was particularly important for this project, where there is a high risk of leaking hydraulic oil and fuels from OGM machinery. Providing the 50mm dark grey GRP panels therefore fulfilled all the customer’s requirements, whilst the colour choice gave the additional benefit of blending into the existing site.

50mm deep Grey Moulded

50mm deep Grey France

We supplied the panels in two different phases, with each panel fabricated and marked to the customer’s drawings. Additionally, we supplied almost 4,000 no stainless-steel fixing clips, which were delivered into France, along with the panels and a number of pedestal feet.

After the first delivery, the customer struggled with the layout and install of the panels. However, due to our experience and deep product knowledge, Elemy were able to offer the customer technical advice, and provide a quick and simple solution. At Elemy, we strongly believe in the importance of looking after our customers. This means we are on hand to provide advice and support throughout your entire project.

